12 Aug Live at The Saban Theater
Check out this clip of my live performance at The Saban Theater New Years Eve 2015
Check out this clip of my live performance at The Saban Theater New Years Eve 2015
(A letter to the first lady)
It is so obvious your speech was stolen Mrs. Obama, but about the best thing I can say is, they did the same thing to our music. Everyone is trying to perform R&B and Rock & Roll music, which we all but single handedly, created. Yet, today we’ve practically been kicked aside from the economic aspects of our unique art form as well as our culture.
My point is; this is an important chapter in American history, which we’ve all but been denied participation. So we wander around in this country, not knowing what we’re up against, nor realizing the potential of our fate?
In fact, most of us do not know that we, as a people, in the very near future, could possibly be considered expendable due mostly to the fact that we were brought here specifically to pick and to cultivate cotton! So, as far as some of our captures are concerned, we have presently outlived our usefulness.
I know, those of you who live in Los Angeles are more than likely thinking “Hollywood like you should,” meaning some of us are blinded by the make believe facade of Hollywood, so you’re probably thinking what I am saying is ludicrous.
Meanwhile, our children (and in too many cases, we ourselves) do not have a clue as to what we’re up against? Why for instance, are our neighborhoods inundated with liquor stores, crack houses, and a church on every corner, pistols, and all sorts of ways for us to self-destruct? Now I know nobody wants to hear this, but the fact is that as far as some white people are concerned, we are no longer needed. And thanks to the gun lobbyist, the gun shows, the NRA and of course the movies and shows coming out of Hollywood, our children barely stand a chance of survival.
What I mean about the movies is if you’ve noticed, the villain is always black. At least he is ninety nine percent of the time, stone cold black! Whether he comes from beneath the sea or from the far reaches of out of space, he is more than likely black!
So do not think these vicious black images don’t affect us as a people, because that is exactly what they are designed to do. It’s the equivalent to the Nazi’s defamation campaigns against the Jews during and before World War ll.
The Jewish people however, at the least, formed a line of defense but I’m afraid we African Americans though, just may end up getting blindsided. So all I can say in the meantime is, watch out for Trump!
History does actually repeat itself and don’t you forget it. There’s an old saying, which states; “those who do not know their history, are doomed to failure.” I can almost guarantee most African Americans knows less about their history than any other race on the planet. The reason is, our history is so dismal, so we hate to face it head on. But unless you wish to be doomed to failure, you must stop and examine your history.
This is why I wrote “UP From Where We’ve Come” a testament to our most recent history. Something that we must deal with, if we wish to continue moving forward. This book is the missing link between modern day living and slavery. And according to critics; “UP From Where We’ve Come” is a subject that’s long since been overlooked by the general society, and is something that absolutely must be addressed before we can leap into the future. In other words; you must know your history in order to obtain a future existence. Anyone who wants to deny you access to your history should therefore, be considered to be your staunchest enemy.
Charles Wright
Up From Where We’ve Come now available on Amazon and Our Store
Soul musicians really blossomed from the late 50’s to the 80’s.
A few of my favorites
What should my 10th musician be? Leave them in the comments.
My latest music video shot at H.O.M.E. in Beverly Hills featuring Charles Malik Whitfied (Otis from The Temptations) and Farrah Franklin (From the original Destiny’s Child)
Rehearsal before show time
We had so much fun on sight.
Bullet, Farrah Fawcett, Charles Wright, Ejyptian Queens
Final Project,
Now Available on my newest album “Something To Make You Feel Good” Our Store or Itunes
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